About Us
Contact Us
(412)332.60.08 /
0212-263.1250 / 0212-264.6176
Agencias Marítimas Unidas UNIMAR, C.A.
We offer a logistic solution to shipowners/charterers in the management of the reception and dispatch of their vessels and crew, during loading and unloading operations.
Our philosophy is to satisfy the client's requirements, complying with the legal parameters dictated in each port and terminal, guaranteeing full compliance with international standards related to Safety, Environmental Pollution Protection and Quality Assurance.
We have the necessary experience to carry out the handling and management of vessels and the logistics and shipping business efficiently, with highly qualified personnel in the area.
Contamos con un staff técnico conformado por personal altamente calificado con mas de 35 años de experiencia en el área.
Quality Politics
In Agencias Marítimas Unidas UNIMAR, C.A. we provide comprehensive logistics and shipping agency services, we are committed to our clients in representing their interests in the operations of their vessels in the different ports where we operate. Continuous improvement of our processes is the way; Faster, more accessible and satisfying services are our purposes and our collaborators are the basis to achieve it.
Note 1: Our policy is communicated and understood at all levels of the organization and is reviewed to adapt it to changes in the system and the environment
Note 2: This quality policy is related to the “Internal Communication” and “Management Review” procedures.
Quality Objectives
They are quality objectives in UNIMAR, C.A.
- Meet customer requirements, detect and satisfy their needs.
- Know the degree of satisfaction of our clients.
- Maintain the validity of the permits necessary for the operation of the organization.
- Evaluate the performance of the Quality Management System processes.
- Mejorar la formación y competencia de nuestro personal.
"Representing Shipowners and Operators in their commercial operations in Venezuelan ports, optimizing time, costs and security."
"To be the preferred option par excellence by shipowners and operators nationally and internationally"